What Is A Virtual Food Drive?

Hosting a virtual food drive is a convenient way for individuals, businesses, and organizations to raise money for local food pantries. Going virtual means no heavy food boxes and no extra time spent in the grocery store. There are plenty of ways that you can go virtual:


  • Host a fundraiser on your favorite social media channel.
  • Start a campaign at your job.
  • Collect money from your friends, family, and neighbors.
  • Give directly at www.6stones.org/give
  • Host a traditional food drive collecting non-perishable food items.

All monetary and in-kind donations will go to our New Hope Center. The New Hope Center’s mission is to provide emergency assistance of food, clothing, and other resources to families in need.  On average, we serve around 300 individuals each week.

List of Acceptable Food Donations:

  • Canned Meat                             Boxed Pasta                                                Jello                                             Nuts
  • Canned Fish                              Canned Tomatoes                                       Crackers                                     Dried Pinto Beans
  • Canned or Dried Fruit              Tomato Sauce and Paste                           Rice                                             Pancake Syrup
  • Canned Beans                           Oatmeal                                                       Pancake Mix                              Baby Formula
  • Canned Vegetables                  Canned Chili, Stew, and Soup                   Peanut Butter and Jelly           Baby Food
  • Canned Pasta                            Cereal                                                           Granola Bars                              Powdered Milk