In the next few months, thousands of people will come to the New Hope Center in search of food and clothing. Loyal gardeners will battle the summer sun in our Urban Farm. And volunteer teams from local churches will continue with the most important, least publicized, most impactful work of all: follow-up. Our services are…

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Text by Jonathan Hollon, Volunteer I have worked on a number of houses for 6 Stones through the Community-Powered Revitalization (CPR) program. I don’t really remember dates or seasons, but I do remember the houses and I do remember the people. The first was in Bedford. The homeowner ’s daughter and granddaughter lived with her…

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BEDFORD — Forks and knives clatter against ceramic plates as Wael and I sit down for lunch. The Old West Cafe is a far cry from his traditional Iraqi fare, but we leaf through the menu and each select a chicken dish. It’s the end of the lunch hour, and the restaurant growls more than…

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A native of Baghdad, Wael and his family were some of the first to encounter American troops in the early 2000s. Raised under Saddam Hussein’s regime, Wael was terrified by their arrival. He had two television channels, and both told him that Americans wanted to kill him. Decades after the war brought American tanks to…

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