Aside from the rainbow-colored devices behind her ears, you’d never know that there is anything different about Ruth’s daughter. I watch for a while as she reviews vocabulary cards with her mother, sounding out syllables as she traces each word with her fingers. She might have been born deaf, but she runs and plays, giggles…

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The Tim Corley story, like so many others, begins with love and loss. From that ubiquitous beginning, however, the narrative of Tim’s struggle to find a home in which he could live comfortably — a home unhindered by physical obstacles and unhaunted by emotional ones — unfolds with magnificent fervor. Tim’s story is one of…

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One of the most inescapable facts of life is that it refuses to be predictable. As carefully orchestrated and wondrous as our world is, it has a knack for throwing curveballs at the foolish few who think we can control it. In fact, the ability to adapt and respond to adversity is one of the key traits of…

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