Nonprofit volunteer opportunities in HEB ISD

After moving from Jamaica with her family to start a new life, Princess never expected to become a single stay at home mom. Despite the challenges, Princess knew she wanted to be a part of her community in a special way.  Princess joined a local church, Meadow Creek Baptist, where she reached out to her…

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The New Hope Center is older than 6 Stones. Much older. The emergency food and clothing center on North Industrial Boulevard began as a simple clothing closet at First Baptist Church of Euless. That was 25 years ago. Since then, the once-migratory clothing closet has put down roots and picked up more than a few…

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BEDFORD — The skies have opened over Texas in the final weeks of May, but that hasn’t stopped Harvest Christian Academy from pouring out into the community. Dozens of students hurry across the beaten stones and water-weary grass of the 6 Stones Community Garden, wheelbarrows loaded high with mulch and rake-wielding peers in tow. Their…

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