The idea of square foot gardening, community gardening and sustainable food provision keeps coming up.  We have been seeking God’s direction on what steps he’d like us to take.   In order to explore this area more closely, we need knowledgeable people with practical experience in growing vegetables.  Could you help us locate people that love gardening, have some expertise and the time and interest in growing a 6 Stones Community Garden?

We have eight irrigated acres next to our office.  We need help planning the entire project, start to finish, with regular year-round maintenance and harvesting.  We will need volunteers that will work at their pace and timing to keep it up and running through the year.  We will also need key leaders to manage the work groups and to help us source all the necessary materials, harvest crops, etc.

Our goal is to harvest the crop and give it back to the HEB Community.   We believe it will be a learning experience, as well as, a rewarding endeavor to help economically challenged families, including the ones who visit us in the 6 Stones New Hope Center each week.  Check out the video at  More info is available at  Let us know if you are interested in helping, or if you know of others with expertise and interest.  Just email


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