For many years, there were 8 faithful volunteers staffing the New Hope Center one day a week.  Starting in May 2009, New Hope began being open 4 days a week and averages 40-50 regular volunteers every week.  We appreciate you so much!   Here's a picture of those who were able to come to the luncheon today:  Betty Sheppard, Reba Briere, Judy Burrow, Melba & Tony Carmona, CD & Judy David, Carolee Deewees, Joyce Dodson, Marilyn Evans, Eddie Fuller, Gene Germany, Carolyn & Don Kelley, JJ Kennedy, Bill Kirkland, Barbara Littlefield, Kelly McCulley, Wanda McKain, Walt Rishel, Carla Rodriguez, Desiree Sage, Sally Salazar, Jeremy & Regan Smith, Kathryn Tennison, Julie Wineteer, Gloria Irving, Keith & Samuel Christie, Alex Horton, Scott Sheppard, and Wes & Dianne Higdon.


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