This week at the HEB Chamber luncheon Mayor Mary Lib Saleh of Euless challenged the cities of Hurst and Bedford to see which of the three cities can adopt the most children at

You could almost hear the tune as Mayor Saleh playfully recounted the words to the song, “anything you can do, we can do better…”  “We already have 100 Euless employees who have adopted children at, and that doesn't even include department heads or the City Council.” 
Mayor Richard Ward of Hurst chimed in, “if Euless has 100 adopters already, the City of Hurst has 101!”
“We have on our city web site to make it easy for Bedford City employees and Bedford residents to adopt children.  6 Stones Mission Network is a very efficient nonprofit to work with and I encourage everyone to get involved,” said Mayor Jim Story of Bedford.
“We want to challenge you to do your part, too,” Mayor Saleh said, speaking to the HEB Chamber members and city residents.  “This is your opportunity to make Christmas special for families in our area.”

Watch for updates as the friendly rivalry progresses.  We will publish the number of people who adopt children in Hurst, Euless and Bedford as the community races to help families this Christmas season.
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