Providing some consistency in the life of a child starts as simply as sharing lunch in the school cafeteria once a week.  Consider being a “Lunchtime Mentor” as part of a pilot program at Spring Garden Elementary. 

Paul McCollum, Principal at Spring Garden has provided 40 Developmental Assets used by the HEB ISD to help young people group up healthy, caring and responsible.  Mentors will develop a friendship with the children demonstrating consistent care and compassion as they visit at lunch starting this month and continuing through the end of the school year. 

We need 46 adult friends for the pilot project.  The school has identified children who literally go hungry each weekend and return to school hungry on Mondays. These are the children we will mentor.  This mentoring program is a component of the Weekend Assistance Program in which 6 Stones will fund backpacks of food which will also be provided to meet the nourishment needs of these children.

Join us at 7 pm Thursday, January 13 at Spring Garden Elementary for mentor orientation and training. Here are more details about the program and the 40 Developmental Assets.  Notice the assets are defined in age-specific categories to help you be more targeted in your ministry to the child you will mentor.


1 Comment

  1. Tracey Boyle on February 22, 2011 at 5:11 pm

    To whom it may concern,
    I am very interested in volunteering for this program. I just came across this and have missed the training session. Please email me on a way I can become involved.
    Thank You,
    Tracey Boyle

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