If we have learned one thing in 2 ½ years, it is that when this community hears about a need, this community responds.  Right now we need your help and your influence. 

We need some specific food items in the 6 Stones New Hope Center and we need for you to think about who you know and who you can talk with about HEB ISD Operation Back-2-School and the 3,990 children remaining to be sponsored. 

Current food needs include:

  • Tuna
  • Spam
  • Canned chicken
  • Cereal
  • Oatmeal
  • Spaghetti noodles
  • Saltines
  • Rice
  • Canned beans

These items can be dropped by during New Hope Center hours.

HEB ISD Operation Back-2-School:

  • We need your influence.
  • Who do you know?
  • Who can you talk with about the 3,990 children remaining to be sponsored?
  • Can you help point people to the Back-2-School Event page? Learn more.

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