In the next five years, HEB ISD is projecting that 80% of their students will be on free or reduced lunches, “Economically Disadvantaged.”  There are approximately 21,000 students in the HEB ISD today.  

“I'm told one-third of our community has school-aged children.  What makes up the other two thirds? What age?  What demographics?” Scott Sheppard, Executive Director of 6 Stones Mission Network mused as he discussed what other needs we may have in the HEB area.

Check out this video.   What if we started a similar project right here in Bedford?

What is your level of interest in helping to plan and maintain a Community Garden at 6 Stones?  Volunteers are needed for each phase from planning the entire project, start to finish, to regular year-round maintenance.  We expect to have up to 88 garden plots. 

Email and let us know how you'd like to help.  Our goal is to harvest the crop and give a portion from each plot back to the HEB Community.  We believe it will be another way we can help economically challenged families, including the ones who visit the 6 Stones New Hope Center each week.  Did you see this story about a Community Garden in Arlington?


1 Comment

  1. Lauren Wright on March 9, 2011 at 8:46 pm

    This is AWEsome! Alex told me about this idea a few weeks ago, and I was on game then. So now having it come further into the possibility is totally great.

    On behalf of Starbucks at Glade and 121….we're in! Send me some more information so I can get our partners and customers (ie neighboors) more information to get involved. We'd be willing to donate our coffee grounds to help maintain it. I'll contact my district manager Diane Garrett and let her know the details as soon as I get the information.

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