Grocery shopping is something we all do on a regular basis.  And, the stores in our community have provided a way for us to help others when we shop.  It has been called “Cost-free giving” because it doesn't require that you spend anymore than you had planned on when you buy groceries for your family.  Here's how it works. 

Link your Tom Thumb grocery loyalty card to 6 Stones by turning in this form at Tom Thumb Customer Service. Once you've done that, your Tom Thumb loyalty card will remain linked to 6 Stones indefinitely.   A portion of what you spend will be given to 6 Stones to help people in the HEB area. PLUS, when you shop at Tom Thumb during the month of September and spend a minimum of $50, you will receive a Community Buck.  Collect as many Community Bucks as you can and mail them to 6 Stones (your local Good Neighbor Charity).  Tom Thumb will present 6 Stones with a gift card equivalent to $1 for every Community Buck collected.  Learn more about Community Bucks.  

At Kroger, simply take this bar code to Kroger and ask the cashier to scan it.  This action will link your Kroger card with 6 Stones for the 2011-2012 Kroger year.   We will remind you when it's time to re-scan with a new bar code (beginning in June each year).

For Albertsons, you may download a bar code here.  Or, pick up your plastic Albertson's key ring cards at 6 Stones to use each time you shop. 

Special thanks to Albertsons, Kroger and Tom Thumb for making cost-free giving possible for everyone, regardless of budget.



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