It's amazing what you can do, when you don't know you shouldn't have done it!

But, we did it!

I have heard so many wonderful comments and stories about Saturday.  And, we will for days, maybe weeks.  And we want to hear your story.  We want to hear and capture all we can with your stories, photos, and video.

Many are asking…what were the results?  I'm not sure I can answer that just yet?  It will take some time to sift through it all, but let me give you what I know now….

“Back Packs, did we give them all away?”

No, not yet!

I'm told that is the transient nature of those we tried to help.  Where they lived in May when we registered them, is not necessarily where they lived in August when we maile them a confirmation letter.  And, our phones have rung off the wall today.  Lots of reasons why they weren't here, but could they still get their back pack…YES!

As a matter of fact, we anticipate they'll all be gone tomorrow. 

Ellen Lobue, the HEB ISD Social Worker distributed a flyer today, notifying the students to come tomorrow to the New Hope Center on Tuesday, August 25, to recieve a back pack and supplies if you didn't get one, or need one.  Ellen will be here, and others to distribute the remaining kits.

What kind of impact did it have?

We may never know that for years to come?  But, I do know from your stories, and the excitement that this has generated…it's huge.  And in time, I will let you know what transpired in a meeting, inside of the Festival…it could be considered a watershed moment in our community!

But, in the immediate…it produced one of the biggest days we have had at the New Hope Center.  We saw 44 familes come in today for food and clothing.  That equated to 220 people.

And I hate to ask…but we have have some emergency food needs to meet the demand.  (See the side panel on the left.)  And, if your church, business or organization can help, I'd like to talk with you about helping us with a food drive in the coming weeks.  We have some great ideas how you can bless these familes.

I would also like to ask you to help us spread the word to those businesses and organziations that can help us in major ways by donating large quantity items or pallets of items. 

“Did you raise enough funds for the event?”

Stay tuned…I'll let you know when I know, but just know…we believe in Miracles around here…and we always expect one. 

Thank you again!  It wasn't just those in need whoses lives were changed…I know hundreds that were and all they left with was a t-shirt, and the joy of giving.   Remember…we want to hear your story…here, or on facebook!  And, we want your friends to become our friends too! 


1 Comment

  1. Cindy "CJ" Jones on August 26, 2009 at 12:17 pm

    As the Marketing Manager for the Aetna Medicaid & CHIP Program in the FW area, I was very proud to be a sponsor of the HEB ISD "Backpack Drive". As a member of FBC Euless since 1991, I am so excited about the 6Stones Mission Network. Very rarely do I get to combine my personal & professional life into such an amazing event.

    I was very impressed with everything coming off smoothly, especially for a first time event. I wore my "6Stones" shirt after the event to the Tom Thumb in Grapevine and the butcher told me I was the third shirt he had seen that afternoon, so he asked me about it. I also got to share the story with a lady that was just standing there. Pretty cool !!

    This was a great experience for my entire family and we look forward to participating in future events with 6Stones.

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